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ATM offers specific training

ATM offers specific training

ATM contributes to tackling societal challenges

ATM contributes to tackling societal challenges

Promotes the development of mechanics in Tunisia

Promotes the development of mechanics in Tunisia

Build relationships with similar associations

Build relationships with similar associations

ATM supports the synergy between mechanics and medicine

ATM supports the synergy between mechanics and medicine

Since 2005

More than 17 years of associative activities in the service of mechanics in Tunisia.

The Tunisian Association of Mechanics (ATM) is a scientific association created on January 31, 2005.

ATM Helps Skills Like Yours Succeed Long-Term

ATM Helps Skills Like Yours Succeed Long-Term

The Tunisian Mechanical Association (ATM) is a scientific association created on January 31, 2005. The ATM is managed by a committee elected every three years and composed of 8 members. The objective of the ATM is to engage in any activity aimed at promoting in Tunisia the development of mechanics as a science and engineering.

The ATM is a non-profit scientific association
Tunisian Mechanical Association

The ATM is a non-profit scientific association

The Tunisian Mechanical Association (ATM) is a scientific association created on January 31, 2005. The ATM is managed by a committee elected every three years and composed of 8 members. The objective of the ATM is to engage in any activity aimed at promoting in Tunisia the development of mechanics as a science and engineering.

  • Soutenir des Actions Scientifiques et Techniques

    Chers membres de l'ATM, Chers amis de l'ATM
    Comme vous le savez, notre pays passe en ce moment par une période très critique.
  • The Affordable Care Act and Your Budget

    Praesent nec lectus eu neque fringilla volutpat. Nulla tristique ullamcorper quam, ut dapibus massa hendrerit ac. Etiam a tempus lectus. Proin nibh nisi, vehicula non enim sed, venenatis faucibus orci. Fusce ut elementum nunc, vel eleifend sem.

  • The Technology Tipping Point

    The Technology Tipping Point

    Praesent nec lectus eu neque fringilla volutpat. Nulla tristique ullamcorper quam, ut dapibus massa hendrerit ac. Etiam a tempus lectus. Proin nibh nisi, vehicula non enim sed, venenatis faucibus orci. Fusce ut elementum nunc, vel eleifend sem.

  • Tips for Keeping Activist Investors at Bay

    Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas, auris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien

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“The objective of ATM is to engage in any activity aimed at promoting in Tunisia the development of mechanics as a science and engineering.”



Current ATM President

The presidents of ATM

Frequently Asked Question

The Tunisian Association of Mechanics (ATM) is a Scientific Association Created on January 31, 2005...

Your comments

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ATM/ENIM- Avenue Ibn El Jazzar-5019,
Monastir (TUNISIA)

Get directions
contact Us

Phone: (+216) 73 500 516
Fax: (+216) 73 500 514


Monday - Friday: 9 Am - 6 Pm
Saturday: 8 Am - 02 Pm

Sunday: closed :)
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